Sometimes you have to decide whether you want to laugh or cry….

I’m going with laugh today.

Satire and comedy pull out the win once again as a hilarious new video is going viral and mocking the “Updated” Guess Who? board game.

Anyone else remember Guess Who?

I’m going to date myself a bit and say that I still vividly remember the absolute hottest commodity in my 3rd Grade class at school when it was an “Inside Recess” day was the Guess Who? board game.

It was always the first to be taken and you were lucky if you got it.

You were also lucky if you were fortunate enough to have one at home.

It looked like this and even the picture of the box below might bring back memories for many of you:

Flash-forward some 30-40 years and Guess Who? is getting cancelled.


Because it’s wildly offensive, of course!

You play by asking yes/no questions like “Is Your Person a Boy?”

Well that’s a big problem right off the bat.

Did you just assume my gender?

Do you really think you can judge gender based solely on looks?

What do you mean “boy”…..biological boy or post-transition boy?

Although I do have to say that even in the original version, “Susan” looked a bit manly and “Bill” looked a bit like a “Dandy” with his rosy cheeks and no doubt that even though you couldn’t see it he was definitely wearing a bow-tie.

Anyway, back to the story at hand.

In 2024, Guess Who? is cancelled and clearly wildly offensive to “Gender Queers” and everyone else who has no idea what they are.

Enter the 2024 Updated Guess Who? version that now includes all 437 genders!


The games take a bit longer, but it’s INCLUSIVE!  Derp, derp!

This is absolutely hilarious and so well done…

Watch here:

Backup video here:

Ok, now before I go allow me to arm you with knowledge that will allow you to crush the soul of any child you happen to play in Guess Who? in the future.

Want to win 96% of the time?

To be clear, I’m talking about the original version….

Here’s your cheat code:

Don’t beat them too badly or too often, ok?

Let little Billy win one every so often….

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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